Saturday, December 1, 2012

Murder if you love mankind!

Really, that’s what powerful nations have taught us... Kill the innocent!

‘Shock and Awe’ – these are the two words to describe the ravenous manner in which the United States Air Force (USAF) bombed Baghdad’s administrative and government buildings with amazing precision during the summer of 2003. Yes, the American juggernaut was flexing its muscles on a helpless and an economically skinny Iraq, and the world needed no other Hollywood thriller to entertain them on their television sets for the weekend! So what was the scale at which Iraq committed a crime for which it was being granted capital punishment, free of cost and free of request? What justified the fact that Uncle Sam’s educated and well trained fighters knocked life out of thousands of Iraqis with bullets and shells from the skies? The answer: one man – Saddam Hussein.

The allegation against him was that he had enough weapons of mass destruction that could pose a serious threat to peace and security in the world. Well, if you thought that the punishment to millions wasn’t worth the ‘allegation’ against one man, then you’re probably right.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2012.

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