Sales was his first love before he made a career in the broad spectrum of marketing. Vipin Tuteja discusses his success mantra with Virat Bahri & Shephali Bhatt
Vipin Tuteja Executiv

There is one particular challenge that one faces when conversing with Vipin Tuteja, Executive Director, Production Systems Group (PSG), Xerox India. And that is making him talk about himself and his achievements! According to his perspective, Xerox is not a company that’s driven by an individual. It’s a team effort at the end of the day.
Five odd years in Xerox have been an exciting phase for Vipin, as he has been instrumental in enabling the transformation that Xerox has been going through in that period from a product centric to a solution centric company in the arena of documentation management. Ironically, the overwhelming strength of Xerox in the photo copying business and the generic nature of the brand name made it extremely hard to make the positioning shift. In an interaction with 4Ps B&M, which took place at the ITC Grand Central, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Vipin opines that the shift has been largely successful as he says, “We are today seen as a complete solution provider to the document need or the document management need of any organization. It is not to do just with the printing of a document in any organization. Rather it has a lot to do with how we can help in increasing the effectiveness of the communication within the organization.” Xerox now advises clients on how to make communication more effective and how it can be used to cross sell and up sell; which will lead to greater benefits both internally and externally. Vipin is in charge of deployment and implementation of the PSG portfolio, which includes colour and mono equipments and the digital colour publishing business in India. Going forward, he believes that the growth of Xerox India in the next five years will hinge greatly on how they can leverage on their solutions approach and how the other aspects like channels, technology, training, strategy, et al will work together. The company has also identified 3 key verticals for its future – telecom, insurance and banking.
Vipin Tuteja is a commerce graduate from Delhi University and did his MBA from Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), New Delhi. His career started with American Express, when they were launching their first Indian rupee card. American Express is a company that he deeply admires for its marketing. His experience spans a long 25 years which included an earlier stint at Xerox as Sales Manager (1984-92) and as Associate Vice President – Field Operations at Ricoh India Ltd. prior to rejoining Xerox. He was a part of the Xerox Honours Club and Grand Slam trips every year for his performance in those earlier years at Xerox. At that time, sales and marketing were considered two separate departments that worked in silos and marketing traditionally revolved primarily around events and advertising. He was one of those executives who led the transition to a paradigm wherein both could be effectively leveraged together; something that is taken for granted in today’s marketing world. Another change he points out to is the sheer depth of information that is available in real time today thanks to the Internet. While it makes it easier to access the strategic developments taking place across the world, it has also made the world much more competitive.
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2011.
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).
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